• Symbiotic relationships-
 -(commensalism) Birds who live in trees have a place to live without harming the tree.                                                  
  -(parasitism) Some mosses that live on trees feed off of the tree and can deprive the tree of sunlight and nutrients.

  • Endangered Species: -Grizzly Bear
                                                        -Spotted Owl
                                                        -Woodland Caribou
                                                        -Pygmy Rabbit
                                                        -Siberian Tiger

  • Human Impact- Logging and deforestation are an issue in some coniferous forests around the world. This is a major factor in the endangerment of the Spotted Owl as they are losing their homes with the trees. The cutting down of trees also effecting the atmosphere as a whole because there is more  carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas) in the air.

    Riley Kelli Kali

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    October 2013

